This few days numbers of report that Wu Chun is leaving flh and this news was bigger topic than their hardwork concert in Taipei last weekend.
Editing of video in process... Upload soonest once complete
This concert video report above was take from youtube and re-edit and post here
In the 1st news report, Wu Chun leaving due to he was the most popular member of flh as he's the one that bring in most of the earning.
And beside that he is not in a good term with Da Dong.
Anyway, I was touch by what Arron has commented during their after concert celebration with regards of Wu Chun case (Report on the 2nd news above) Arron says: Even flh will "lost one wheel" wheelchair, we'll never find a replacement".(Wheelchair refering the 4 of them in flh)
Just like the line I used most during my guiding days "One for all and all for one"
This also show that they actually care for each other lots more than we think.
Let's not jump into the conclusion of this fight.
Time will never turn back. Be truthful and thankful of who you are or what you have now and minimum your regret to the lowest...
(human without regret will never learn) Be yourself!
Details from Youtube and mypaper
Edited by Joyiefactory
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