Monday, August 2, 2010


Got the bites from Taiwan and the codition on my legs is getting worst!

 Did some read up on sandfly:
 A sand flea is also known by many other names. For example, this crustacean (although it resembles an insect, the sand flea is actually not one) is also called a sand fly, beach flea, hop-a-long, no-see-um, biting midge, and punkie or punky. The sand flea is less than 1/8 of an inch (3 mm) long and is often difficult to see. It is a shrimp-like creature in appearance and ranges in color from pale to brownish. The body has seven segments and it has long legs that are used for swimming or jumping. They are known to jump to a height of at least 40 cm and therefore, it is unusual to experience a sand flea bite on upper body parts unless the victim was lying down. The bites are normally found in clusters around the ankles.

Oil is the answer to the Sandfly. Repellants, no matter what they may claim, really seem to have no effect. Oil stops them completely. It is irrelevant what oil, cooking, baby, etc., but we recommend sun oil to avoid being cooked. Do not substitute it for your regular sun lotion simply put it on over the top. The best tip in the world for Sandflies is to by a bottle of spray on tanning oil, pour a little out and add a small bottle of Tee Tree Oil and a few drops of liquid disinfectant (e.g. Detol). spray this on and no sand fly will touch you! The recipe comes from Australia, where they really know about sand fly problems, and is known as bush oil over there.

^Hope this picture won't make u feel uncomfortable......

******The more you scratch the worse it gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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