Thanks for all my friends that had comment in my tag box and caring for me for all this while.
I would really try my best to overcome this relationship that no longer belong to me.
Really tired and exhausted lately... Don't know how to describe it but
seems life is turning upside down. But there is once I hear this:
“Whatever it is will never kill you, will only make you stronger”
seems life is turning upside down. But there is once I hear this:
“Whatever it is will never kill you, will only make you stronger”
This line hit me and from that day onward no matter how hard my life is I must go through (at least try).
Last Friday is my worst day ever but I don’t wish to talk about it (confirm not about “Him”)
Back to this weekend, I guess was a great one.
First on Sat, I and Yan went to Y2J神木与瞳LIVE BAND音乐会. Their voice are powerful especially Jane. Yumming voice is power too but maybe Jean is a lady so the pitch will higher then guy.
Not to forget to thanks Min Hui for your RSVP so I could go for this mini concert.
I did some record for 2 songs but only uploaded one cos another got block by the person in front of me (actually they block us almost the whole event) ><”
At the same time loaded some image take after the show with Yan at Central Shopping Centre.
First time in my life using mine own $ to buy the very 1st concert ticket which is Fahrenheit and their event Fahrenheit Fantasy Concert Press Conference is tomorrow. This is their 1st concert in Singapore . Anyway I will see Wu Chun in few more hour time!!!!! Happy Girl going to sleep nightzzz
happily waiting...
In total they sing 9 songs!

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