"Emo" for pass few weeks.. Now much better beside stress @ work. My mind wasn't working (I think spoil)..
Next "big" things I need to get another job cause the current job I'm working in is a temp job so I'll be jobless really soon :(
Going back to school is what I always looking forward to.... First I think I'll need to polish up my English so once i settled down with a perm job I'll go for English lesson *MUST*
Here are my working area with my breakfast
Messy, messy and messy..
Messy, messy and messy..
Shifting out of this area soon the person that sitting at this place is coming back from her leave. so hope I'll like another area that I'm moving forward.
I can't wait the arrival for this Saturday, 30 June meeting my ITE BB SC buddy's but sadly this gathering is for Gary farewell. He will be going to KL for job training for 6 months later might be staying over at KL or move on to another places and might not be coming back to S'pore.
I shall have a write up on him the next post which will be after the gathering (with more images and slides that I did for him) *MISS*
Mum cooks... Yummy
From workplace....